Welcome to Spanish II / Bienvenidos a español 2

Bienvenidos a español 2

Classroom Rules and expectations:
·         Come to class prepared & on time every day.
·         Follow instructions the 1st time
·         Refrain from talking when the teacher is talking.
·         Speak respectfully to all people in the classroom. No profanity
·         Stay in your seat (unless otherwise directed) and raise your hand for attention.
·         Speak with indoor voices all the times, listen and respect classmates’ ideas.
·         No cell phones allow (unless it is needed for specific classroom activities and/or learning games).

Required Materials: Students will need to bring the following items to class each day:

·         3-ring binder with dividers: Warm-upsVocabulary and GrammarClassworkHomework/Projects, It is the student responsibility to keep papers organized! (graded: 50 pts project)
·         Pencils (#2)
·         Eraser
·         Blue or black pens
·         loose-leaf lined paper
·         Practice book. (A practice book will be assigned to each student)
·         Book: Descubre I

Libro (book)Descubre 1:
                                       Students will be able to have access to classwork, tutorials and practice quizzes through their www.vhlcentral account.
The supersite: www.vhlcentral.com  offers resources for practice such as flashcards and tutorials

Create account
School:South Cobb High School
Course: Spanish 2 Levinson Block #

Tarea (homework)  Students are responsible to create an account in Quizlet.com using his/her last name and name as it shows in synergy. Please click on the following link to join Sra Levinson Spanish 2 class as follows:

Quick review of Spanish I

Why study Spanish:

Review of verb SER (To be)


Image result for ser tobe

Conjugation of AR ending regular verbs - Present Tense

 Image result for spanish ar ending verbs

Week of December 10 - 14, 2018

Gramatica: Comparativos y superlativos Make-up Classwork activities:  Textbook Descubre 1:  Students will be able to have access to...